Renee Howard -Board Secretary
I’ve had animals all my life. As a kid, I spent my free time playing with my dogs and riding my horses. Although I’ve had many animals throughout my life, nothing could prepare me for Scooby Doo. He came into my life December 2001. He was a sickly little puppy and had an attitude from the moment we brought him home.

Scooby was my first encounter with a German shepherd; he made me fall in love with the breed. The bond that he and I had was indescribable, but amazing. Because of my love for the breed, I became an active volunteer with the Virginia German Shepherd Rescue. Nothing can describe the feeling you get when you bring a rescue dog into your home; help them build confidence, show them love and find them the perfect forever home. Scooby was always very active and always on the go
In August 2009, I noticed he was dragging his left rear paw. His vet suspected DM, but could not confirm without a few tests. After seeing a specialist, x-rays and an MRI, it was decided Scooby had DM. The tests had ruled out all other possibilities, DM was the only possible diagnosis. Before this, I had never heard of DM. When I began to understand the disease and the prognosis, I was devastated.

Over the next few years, despite the supplements and constant exercise, Scooby lost his battle with DM on February 18, 2013. I like many others, promised to do everything possible to help find a cure for DM. Scooby never gave up and never will I. I am very proud and honored to be part of this foundation. I fought for him then and I fight for him now.