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Many companies will support Charities put forward or
selected by their employees and some also participate in
'Matched Funding (or matched giving)
Worth checking out if
your company do this or are interested in getting involved.

Match funding / Giving
Match funding / giving is simply a pledge by a company to match an amount of fundraising carried out by an employee. It shows a company's commitment to the causes their people care about by matching what they give to charity.
The amount they are prepared to give is agreed by the company in advance. Companies are often happy to offer as much as £1500 for 'match giving' for an individual employee, but it is a good idea to have a chat with them first, to see if they have any policies in place for match Giving and if there are any boundries of that policy.
On this basis you can set your own Target. i.e. if they are prepared to offer £1,000, your target could be £2,000 and with Match Giving, you only have to raise £1,000.
It is really worth speaking to your employer about Matchgiving and if they are not aware of it, ask them to look into it, as every penny they put towards your sponsorship will be deducted from their corporation tax. This means, not only are they as a corporation donating to charity and supporting a good cause, but it can in some cases reduce their tax bills. So, everyone can be a winner in this situation !

Company Charity of the Month

Some companies have a Corporate Social Responsibility policy to support national, regional and local charities based on their employees and clients experiences and recommendations.
They encourage their people to get involved with charitable events and are invited to nominate any charity they wish, whether large or small, national or local. Each month, the nominated charities are reviewed and one is selected for the cash donation.
In addition, often this can gain publicity internally within the company and sometimes promoted externally to local media. If this is something your company does, then why not put Cure4DM forward as a 'Monthly Charity' contender. If your company doesn't have a 'Charity of the Month' speak to your employer and ask if this is something they would like to start. It has many benefits from empowering their employees to choose the Charity of the Month, promoting good employee / employer relationships and supporting their employees good causes. It can also save the company corporation tax.